Search PERLC training products
Search over 400 competency-based online trainings and other learning materials to find resources for building knowledge and skills in emergency preparedness and response.
Most courses can be accessed through TRAIN, the nation’s largest resource for public health learners. All materials were developed or revised by the PERLCs between 2010 and 2015.
You may also browse curated training bundles addressing the 15 PHEP capabilities and other select topic areas.
Title | Topic | Format | PHEP Capabilities | Time |
Anatomy of a Foodborne Outbreak | Laboratory | Online Course | Public Health Laboratory Testing, Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation | 30 minutes |
Anatomy and Physiology of an Outbreak Team | Epidemiology & Surveillance | Informational Brief | Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation | 40 minutes |
Analyzing Data | Assessment & Evaluation | Online Course | Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation | 40 minutes |
An Overview of Outbreak Investigations | Epidemiology & Surveillance | Informational Brief | Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation | 40 minutes |
Agencies Involved in Hurricane Activities | Natural Disasters | Online Course | Community Preparedness | 15 minutes |
Advanced Data Analysis: Methods to Control for Confounding | Epidemiology & Surveillance | Informational Brief | Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation | 40 minutes |
Addressing Disaster and Emergency Stress Beyond First Responders: Implications for Individuals, Families, and the Workplace | Mental Health | Online Course | Responder Safety and Health | 2 hours |
ABC's of Pandemic Influenza | Infectious Disease & Immunization | Online Course | Community Preparedness | 25 minutes |
A Shelter Story: Integrating Functional Needs Support Services (FNSS) Into Emergency Shelter Plans | Mass Care & Mass Fatality | Online Course | Community Preparedness | 1 hour |
A Multi-state, Multi-organizational Solution to Limited Regional Pediatric Medical Surge Capacity in the Southeastern United States | Mass Care & Mass Fatality | Online Course | Community Preparedness, Medical Surge | 2 hours |